إذا فيه مشاكل في دخول الملتقى راسلوا الإدارة من خلال قسم مجلس الزوار

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قديم 07-26-2011, 11:14 PM   #1

امير الزمان
عيوني مبدع
الصورة الرمزية امير الزمان

رقَمْ آلع’َـضويـہ: 10665
التسِجيلٌ : Jul 2011
مشَارَڪاتْي : 72
 نُقآطِيْ » امير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond repute
افتراضي please help me

how can i change the handwriting

i try
to change it never works

las3at sh8awah
you did it
tell me how

امير الزمان غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-26-2011, 11:15 PM   #2

امير الزمان
عيوني مبدع
الصورة الرمزية امير الزمان

رقَمْ آلع’َـضويـہ: 10665
التسِجيلٌ : Jul 2011
مشَارَڪاتْي : 72
 نُقآطِيْ » امير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond repute

امير الزمان غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-27-2011, 12:17 AM   #3

لسسعة شقآوة

الصورة الرمزية لسسعة شقآوة

رقَمْ آلع’َـضويـہ: 10624
التسِجيلٌ : Jul 2011
مشَارَڪاتْي : 499
 نُقآطِيْ » لسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond repute

o m g
you didn't know how to change the handwriting?!!
its so easy
when you wanna to reply ,you will find box up
you have in that box options and Symbols
yo will see word الخطوط
did you see it ?
ok just click on it and choose the handwriting which you like
just its not difficult
لسسعة شقآوة غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-27-2011, 12:36 AM   #4

امير الزمان
عيوني مبدع
الصورة الرمزية امير الزمان

رقَمْ آلع’َـضويـہ: 10665
التسِجيلٌ : Jul 2011
مشَارَڪاتْي : 72
 نُقآطِيْ » امير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond repute


that's the way i did it

but it's still nothing happened

i tried all kinds of them

maybe there is wrong with my device

thank you for your cooperation sister
امير الزمان غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-27-2011, 02:40 AM   #5

لسسعة شقآوة

الصورة الرمزية لسسعة شقآوة

رقَمْ آلع’َـضويـہ: 10624
التسِجيلٌ : Jul 2011
مشَارَڪاتْي : 499
 نُقآطِيْ » لسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond repute

that's strange !!
maybe as you said, the problem from your device..
لسسعة شقآوة غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-27-2011, 07:52 AM   #6

لسسعة شقآوة

الصورة الرمزية لسسعة شقآوة

رقَمْ آلع’َـضويـہ: 10624
التسِجيلٌ : Jul 2011
مشَارَڪاتْي : 499
 نُقآطِيْ » لسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond repute

did you Select the reply before you change the writing??
if you don't
so, you should select it before..
لسسعة شقآوة غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-27-2011, 08:01 AM   #7

نصراوي العيون
الميدان العالمي
الصورة الرمزية نصراوي العيون

رقَمْ آلع’َـضويـہ: 1442
التسِجيلٌ : Sep 2006
مشَارَڪاتْي : 3,493
 نُقآطِيْ » نصراوي العيون is on a distinguished road

ما شاء الله
what a good conversation in English between both of you

many thanks Lasa'a for helping Ameer AlZaman
and this is a kind of you

i hope nice live to you both
نصراوي العيون غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-27-2011, 01:34 PM   #8

لسسعة شقآوة

الصورة الرمزية لسسعة شقآوة

رقَمْ آلع’َـضويـہ: 10624
التسِجيلٌ : Jul 2011
مشَارَڪاتْي : 499
 نُقآطِيْ » لسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond reputeلسسعة شقآوة has a reputation beyond repute

i think you are good in English language also..
wish the best for you
لسسعة شقآوة غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-28-2011, 02:01 PM   #9

امير الزمان
عيوني مبدع
الصورة الرمزية امير الزمان

رقَمْ آلع’َـضويـہ: 10665
التسِجيلٌ : Jul 2011
مشَارَڪاتْي : 72
 نُقآطِيْ » امير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond reputeامير الزمان has a reputation beyond repute

gooooooood day every one

i am glad that i found all of you can do conversation in English
now I can Learn how to write spelling just like you
امير الزمان غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
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